Bomb scare in Miami turns out to be human ashes + wristwatch

What screeners thought was a possible explosive device turned out to be nothing more than human remains being taken onto an airplane.

The all clear was sounded at Miami International Airport after thousands of people were evacuated over an apparent misunderstanding. What screeners thought was a possible explosive device turned out to be nothing more than human remains being taken onto an airplane.

“A possible explosive device showed up in an X-ray machine at the checkpoint,” airport spokesman Greg Chin said.

In addition, he said, it didn’t take long for the bomb squad to determine it was a false alarm. Once the bomb squad came out, they were able to look at the package and find an identification name on the package and they contacted the family. The people with the urn were getting on a United flight headed to Denver when the security scare took place.

There was a box with ashes from a cremation, a watch and a few other personal effects, presumably from the late family member.

A bomb squad said, “It’s not known why human ashes would alert for explosive residue.”

The evacuation delayed six flights, affecting about 2,000 passengers.

Posted: Tue - July 17, 2007 at 10:08 AM