$660 million payout in Catholic Church sexual molestation cases

The largest payout to date in the nationwide Roman Catholic molestation crisis.

Parishioners across the sprawling Los Angeles Archdiocese responded with relief, support and a measure of worry Sunday to news that the church will pay $660 million to victims of clergy sexual abuse, the largest payout to date in the nationwide Roman Catholic molestation crisis.

But some also angrily blamed Cardinal Roger M. Mahony for failing to reach a settlement in the local cases years earlier.

But, don’t worry too much about whether the church can afford the settlement. Their property is still untaxed.

“It’s unconscionable what Mahony has done, how he circumvented the law,” one woman said. “Sealing the records was infuriating. What other group of citizens could get away with this?”

After judicial review, Mahony will now be forced to divulge some of the records the Catholic Church kept on abusive priests. Mahony had sealed the records and refused to turn them over to the courts.

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Posted: Mon - July 16, 2007 at 08:29 AM