Brown and Bush ‘won’t be joined at hip like Tony Blair was’

Lord Malloch Brown is a prominent critic of the US and his appointment [as a Foreign Office minister] has raised a few eyebrows.

Lord Malloch Brown is a prominent critic of the US and his appointment [as a Foreign Office minister] has raised a few eyebrows.

“For better or worse, it is very unlikely that the Brown/Bush relationship is going to go through the baptism of fire and therefore be joined together at the hip like the Blair/Bush relationship was,” he said.

“There was an emotional intensity of being war leaders with much of the world against them that is enough to put you on your knees and get you praying together.”

Lord Malloch Brown, whose peerage came with the surprise job offer this month, rejected his “anti-American” reputation but added: “I am quite happy to be described as anti-neo-con.

“If they see me as a villain, I will wear that as a badge of honour.”

Folks used to joke that the PNAC cabal considered Britain the 51st State - when actually it was more akin to Guam. Serfs instead of vassals.

Posted: Sun - July 15, 2007 at 04:17 PM