Mexican Drug Gangs threaten to kill foreign journalists

A Texas newspaper has pulled a reporter out of the border city of Laredo following reports that Mexican drug traffickers are planning to kill foreign journalists.

A Texas newspaper has pulled a reporter out of the border city of Laredo following reports that Mexican drug traffickers are planning to kill foreign journalists along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Separately, Reporters Without Borders urged Mexico’s government to stop the violations of press freedom it says are coming from local politicians and criminal gangs.

Reporters Without Borders said it considers Mexico one of the world’s most dangerous places for the press, with two journalists killed and two missing since January.

Anyone else notice that the Mexican drug gangsters are becoming fascinated with the "look and feel" of Al Qaeda? Reflecting on cultural history, it's no surprise to see outlaws in one land expressing their admiration for their peers in another - by copying their externals - regardless of motivation and goals.

Posted: Sun - July 15, 2007 at 06:32 AM