Wigs off!

Britain’s lawyers and judges are to break with centuries-old tradition and cease wearing white horse-hair wigs in non-criminal cases.

Britain’s lawyers and judges are to break with centuries-old tradition and cease wearing white horse-hair wigs in non-criminal cases, the head of the country’s judiciary announced on Thursday.

The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, said new dress rules would mean the wigs, which British legal professionals have worn since the 17th century, would not be needed in civil or family court cases.

The wigs will still be worn in criminal courts.

Now, if we can inspire the Brits - and our own crowd of legal beagles - to drag their butts up to the 21st Century, something more than cosmetic updates might be achieved.

Posted: Sat - July 14, 2007 at 12:32 PM