Fake firm gets license from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

A fake firm obtained a license to buy enough radioactive material to build a dirty bomb.

FutureSex after Cheney & Bush

Undercover investigators, working for a fake firm, obtained a license to buy enough radioactive material to build a “dirty bomb,” amid little scrutiny from federal regulators, according to a government report obtained on Wednesday.

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued the license to the dummy company in just 28 days with only a cursory review, the Government Accountability Office said.

The GAO, which set up the sting, said the NRC approved the license after a couple of faxes and phones calls and then mailed it to the phony company’s headquarters — a drop box at a United Parcel Service location.

Once again, Washington lives up to the “standards” of Cheney and Bush. With a government based wholly on secrets and lies, cronies and crooks with no Congressional or public scrutiny - is there any reason for surprise?

Posted: Thu - July 12, 2007 at 08:46 AM