Ted Stevens says corruption investigation - “could cause me some trouble” getting re-elected

We can only hope!

Ted Stevens’ SUV

We can only hope.

Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican senator and once the chief power broker for dispensing federal dollars, says he’s worried that a corruption investigation “could cause me some trouble'’ in running for re-election next year.

The 83-year-old Alaska Republican has drawn Justice Department scrutiny over a renovation project in 2000 that more than doubled the size of his home.

The remodeling was overseen by Bill Allen, a contractor who has pleaded guilty to bribing Alaska state legislators. Allen is founder of VECO Corp., an Alaska-based oil field services and engineering company that has reaped tens of millions of dollars in federal contracts.

Step back in awe at the ethics of our favorite Congressional thug! Here’s my favorite quote:

“I’m working to get this concept out of my mind that someone is trying to make something illegal out of all this, That’s what’s really disturbing.'’

At least he’s proved that Alaskan voters are as ignorant and gulllible as the electorate in the lower 48.

Posted: Tue - July 10, 2007 at 09:37 AM