Missing staple allows appeal by murder gang

A missing staple from a court document has allowed two murderers to appeal against their convictions.

A missing staple from a court document has allowed two murderers found guilty of one of Australia’s most brutal killings to appeal against their convictions.

Under a technical loophole, the murderers will argue that an earlier lost appeal was not finalized because the indictment paperwork was never fixed to the court file as required by law.

The New South Wales (NSW) state government said it was looking at ways to close the technical loophole.

“I understand that closing this loophole through an amendment to the court rules of the supreme court is currently being considered…to avoid it being an issue of discussion in any future case,” said NSW acting state premier John Watkins.

Is it conceivable that judges and courts, lawyers and the law, might decide cases on the merits of the evidence and leave the nattering over absurd details to people who live only for filling out forms?

Posted: Mon - July 9, 2007 at 11:41 AM