They’ve banned running for trains…

For decades, sweating commuters had the right to run after a train as it left the station.

For decades, sweating commuters had the right to run after a train as it left the station. And generations of movie-goers watched spellbound as one half of a besotted couple sprinted along the platform, waving to their departing lover.

But, in the latest sign of the safety culture sweeping Scotland, running on railway platforms has been banned. In the coming weeks, posters will be put up to reinforce the message and offenders who so much as break into a slow jog will face a ticking off.

The running ban is just the latest in a series of controversial incidents relating to the health and safety culture. In March a Scottish fireman found himself facing disciplinary action after plunging into a river to rescue a woman. Tam Brown, 42, become the subject of an internal investigation by Tayside Fire and Rescue because he breached health and safety rules during the rescue.

Richard Cook, Scottish spokesman of the Campaign Against Political Correctness, described the rule as “sheer stupidity” and said it was another needless attack on civil liberties. “This is another crazy example of the iron grip that the nanny state has in Scotland.”

I think the people in charge missed the train - a long time ago.

Posted: Sun - July 8, 2007 at 06:53 AM