Arson Car crashes into Glasgow Airport terminal

A car on fire has been driven at the main terminal building at Glasgow Airport.

A car on fire has been driven at the main terminal building at Glasgow Airport, police have confirmed. Eyewitnesses have described a Jeep Cherokee being driven at speed towards the building with flames coming out from underneath.

The airport has been evacuated and all flights suspended following the incident.

Taxi driver Ian Crosby said: “This was no accident. This was a deliberate attack on Glasgow Airport.”

The reaction of members of the public was not to help the men in the car, but to restrain them, he told the BBC.

Two men, one of whom was reported to be badly burned, were seen being led away in handcuffs.

Looks like they’re having a busy weekend in the UK.

Posted: Sat - June 30, 2007 at 11:17 AM