India looking for “Mr Condom”

India, struggling to promote greater condom use among its population, is looking to hire its own “condom man”.

Waiter at Cabbages & Condoms

India, struggling to promote greater condom use among its population, is looking to hire its own “condom man” to follow the example of a former Thai cabinet minister who successfully pushed for safer sex, the Times of India reported.

Mechai Viravaidya became famous in Thailand as the “Condom King” for actions such as taking condoms to World Bank talks as well as for the name of his Bangkok restaurant “Cabbages and Condoms,” where condoms are a major part of the decor.

Authorities in India, where many people are hesitant to talk about sex and condoms openly, are trying to push condom use through television, radio and newspapers and by targeting high-risk groups.

Is there anything more frustrating than trying to convince officials and citizens alike - buried in a culture of superstition and denial - that basic material procedures will ensure a better life?

Posted: Fri - June 29, 2007 at 11:47 AM