Right-Wing Poles set new low for Photoshop. Even if it’s funny.

German politicians on Wednesday condemned a Photoshopped image on the cover of a Polish magazine of Poland’s ruling twin brothers sucking German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s bare breasts.

German politicians on Wednesday condemned as “tasteless” a mocked-up photo on the cover of a Polish magazine of Poland’s ruling twin brothers sucking German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s bare breasts.

The spoof image in the right-wing weekly Wprost of Merkel suckling Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski and President Lech Kaczynski marked a fresh escalation in the sniping between the neighbours.

Eckart von Klaeden, foreign affairs spokesman for Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats, said that if a country believed in freedom of the press, its media was free to air such images, regardless of how tasteless they were.

That covers my buns, too. Including Alberto the Duck.

Posted: Thu - June 28, 2007 at 06:30 AM