Man set for execution wants to die laughing

A Texas man scheduled to be executed today wants to die laughing.

A Texas man scheduled to be executed today wants to die laughing.

Patrick Knight, 39, has been soliciting jokes on the Internet and plans to tell one of them before receiving a lethal injection, Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokeswoman Michelle Lyons said on Monday.

“He says he wants to keep his execution light,” she said.

“We’ve certainly had some people who have recited a poem or a Bible verse, some people who have asked forgiveness or who pray,” she said. “This is, to my knowledge, the first time anybody has told a joke as their last words.”

It’s easy to make light of death - if you’re a psychopath. I imagine the friends and relatives of the folks he killed in Amarillo don’t see any humor in this.

Posted: Tue - June 26, 2007 at 06:04 AM