Lawyer specializing in alien abductions starts his first lawsuit

Former industrial law specialist Jens Lorek announced last year he would defend those whose close encounters with outer space visitors left them physically and mentally shattered.

Former industrial law specialist Jens Lorek announced last year he would defend those whose close encounters with outer space visitors left them physically and mentally shattered.

Now he has his first client - hotel chef Paul Hoffmann, 23, who claims he was kidnapped by aliens and has never been the same since.

Hoffmann said: “About two years ago a cross-shaped space ship sucked me up and took me to space. When I came around, it was daylight again.”

The chef closed his bank account, squatted in an empty property in Dresden and bathed nude - “as ordered by the aliens” - in a municipal fountain. When police caught him naked on a bike, he was sent to the psychiatric ward of a local hospital.

My guess is that every nation has their fair share of loonies. And lawyers ready to get in on the act.

Posted: Sun - June 24, 2007 at 06:21 AM