Karzai blasts NATO over deaths

“Attacks causing civilian casualties, as I have said before, is not acceptable for us. It is no longer tolerated,” Karzai told reporters at his palace.

President Hamid Karzai angrily condemned Saturday “indiscriminate and unprecise” operations by NATO- and US-led forces in Afghanistan that he said had killed 90 civilians in just over a week.

Attacks causing civilian casualties, as I have said before, is not acceptable for us. It is no longer tolerated,” Karzai told reporters at his palace.

“As you are aware over the past several days, as result of indiscriminate and unprecise operations of NATO and coalition forces, our people suffered casualties,” the grim-faced president said.

Such incidents would cause the international mission to bring security to Afghanistan to fail, he warned.

Sooner or later, that cluster of politicians and pimps that is the Washington Establishment will be forced to accede to the natural requirements of sovereign nations. Even a client state like Afghanistan will eventually control its own destiny.

One of the questions we get to face - this side of the world - is what sort of politics and policies will eventually govern in those far-off lands as a result of our “leadership”?

Posted: Sat - June 23, 2007 at 08:32 AM