Pakistan clerics honor bin Laden to counter Rushdie’s knighthood

A group of hardline Pakistani Muslim clerics has bestowed a religious title on Osama bin Laden.

A group of hardline Pakistani Muslim clerics has bestowed a religious title on Osama bin Laden in response to a British knighthood for the author Salman Rushdie.

A group of clerics, the Pakistan Ulema Council, has given bin Laden the title “Saifullah,” or sword of Allah, in response to the honor for Rushdie, the council’s chairman said on Thursday.

“If a blasphemer can be given the title ‘Sir’ by the West despite the fact he’s hurt the feelings of Muslims, then a mujahid who has been fighting for Islam against the Russians, Americans and British must be given the lofty title of Islam, Saifullah,” the chairman, Tahir Ashrafi, told Reuters.

Don’t you love religious “leaders” who rely on the same crap as professional patriots. Keep the True Believers happy and you get to stay in power.

Posted: Thu - June 21, 2007 at 09:28 AM