SC State Treasurer indicted for dealing coke! Loses his side job as Giuliani’s campaign manager, too.

A day after South Carolina Treasurer Thomas Ravenel was indicted on a federal cocaine charge, replacement named Wednesday to fill his office.

Ravenel’s the guy with more hair

A day after South Carolina Treasurer Thomas Ravenel was indicted on a federal cocaine charge, replacements were named Wednesday to fill his office and position as state campaign chairman for Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani.

Ravenel, 44, is accused of purchasing cocaine and giving it to others. He was suspended from office by Gov. Mark Sanford, who named Columbia attorney Ken Wingate, 47, to serve as interim state treasurer.

“Given the importance of this office, we were faced with somewhat of a crisis and realized it was imperative to name someone to lead this office immediately,” Sanford said in a statement.

But, did they find someone as well connected?

Posted: Wed - June 20, 2007 at 03:36 PM