Republicans think they’re going to blog their way to victory

A so-called “blogger outreach” programme was launched last week by the National Republican Senatorial Campaign committee.

Suggested blog theme

The so-called “blogger outreach” programme was launched last week by the National Republican Senatorial Campaign committee. A 39-page internet guide contains handy tips for candidates hoping to plug into the blogosphere in 2008.

I guess you have to be someone they trust to get a copy. I couldn’t find a .pdf at their website.

Lesson number one: YouTube is a make-or-break force in national politics, not a plumbing outlet or an embarrassing, middle-aged lower abdominal complaint.

Always assume you are being recorded, and record your opponent, the guide states. Forget old-fashioned leaks to newspapers; campaign press secretaries should feed their news to bloggers, to create electronic “buzz”. “Every campaign should film their candidate and record his/her every move,” it says.

I wonder if that will include taping golf trips with lobbyists - and publishing them on YouTube?

Posted: Mon - June 18, 2007 at 06:29 AM