Identity theft of the week

A data storage device with the Social Security numbers and other personal information on all 64,000 Ohio state employees was stolen from a state intern’s car.

Ohio governor and his IT manager

A data storage device with the Social Security numbers and other personal information on all 64,000 Ohio state employees was stolen from a state intern’s car last weekend, Gov. Ted Strickland said.

The governor’s office said the storage device also may have held information about participants in the state’s pharmacy benefits management program and the names and Social Security numbers of their dependents.

Strickland said it takes special equipment to access the information on the device, so he doesn’t believe the workers’ privacy is in jeopardy.

Deeper into the article, it says the special “device” was valued at $15. It probably was a thumb drive.

Under protocol in place since 2002, a first backup storage device is kept at a temporary work site for a state office along with the computer system that holds all the employee information, and a second backup device is given to employees on a rotating basis to take home for safekeeping!


There are souvenir t-shirt kiosks at my local mall that have a better understanding of IT security than the Great State of Ohio. And the fracking governor.

Posted: Sat - June 16, 2007 at 07:45 AM