Paris finds God - and dry skin

The world has received proof that prison does indeed work.

The world has received proof that prison does indeed work. In an interview from the Los Angeles jail, celebrity inmate Paris Hilton claimed a remarkable transformation in her character. She said she was no longer superficial, had found God, wanted to work with sick children and had not looked in a mirror since entering prison.

She said she had spent her time playing table tennis, reading newspapers, the Bible and self-help books.

The privations of prison life, she added, had enriched her. Make-up was not allowed, and while the absence of face cream had left her skin parched, she had her mind on more important matters.

I’m still waiting to see if she jumps into bed with the Born Again Floozies, goes on Cruise Control with Scientology or takes the badass prison route and accepts guidance from the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

Posted: Tue - June 12, 2007 at 11:48 AM