Nordic Windpower launch in U.S. - starts with building a factory

I’ve said it before: One of the best ways to get Green - is to make Green$. Here’s another example.

I’ve said it before: One of the best ways to get Green - is to make Green$. Here’s another example.

Nordic Windpower is excited to launch its global business in North America, the highest-growth area for new wind turbine installations, and in California, a leader in renewable energy,” said Mr. Steve Taber, CEO of Nordic Windpower.”

“The cost economy realized in the manufacture, transport and installation of a lighter, simpler turbine is passed on to customers in the low purchase price. Nordic’s turbines have operated with unmatched reliability over a decade, even in the harsh conditions in Sweden.”

The manufacturing plant location is now being decided, with multiple states seeking to attract the business for economic and leadership reasons.

Nordic is successful in Scandanavia and Europe - and is out to grow worldwide. Their business model includes building factories where they wish to sell.

OK by me.

Posted: Sat - June 9, 2007 at 07:18 AM