Judge Sauer tells Paris Hilton - GET BACK IN JAIL!

The judge has ordered Paris Hilton returned to jail, and she was taken from court screaming.

Paris Hilton was released from jail Thursday — nearly three weeks ahead of schedule. The move sparked an outcry from some elected officials and the City Attorney’s Office, who questioned whether Hilton was receiving preferential treatment.

“This incident with Paris Hilton is just the most recent that highlights the problems our criminal justice system has with making sure sentences stick, whether it is in a county jail or under electronic monitoring,” county Supervisor Don Knabe said. “Length of punishment belongs in the hands of our judges and when a judge imposes a sentence, that sentence needs to stick.”

Sheriff’s Department spokesman Steve Whitmore said the decision to release Hilton after just more than 72 hours of incarceration was made after “extensive consultation” with medical personnel, but he refused to elaborate.

The judge has ordered Paris Hilton returned to jail, and she was taken from court screaming.

Good for you, Judge.

Posted: Fri - June 8, 2007 at 01:35 PM