Who will Bush pick to be the Fall Guy for the end of his War?

Part 1: He picks a “Czar” to be his personal advisor.

Part 2: He has the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs - replaced!

Part 1: He picks a “Czar” to be his personal advisor.

The general picked by the US president to turn things around in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq has admitted that he had misgivings about the so-called surge in Iraq and that results so far have been “mixed”.

At Lieutenant-General Douglas Lute’s senate confirmation hearing for his position as the new White House “war tsar” on Thursday, he said he had been sceptical of George Bush’s plan to add more than 21,000 combat soldiers to Iraq before it was announced in January.

Federal Law says the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has the responsibility to advise the president. Anyone expect Bush to start obeying the law?

Part 2: He has the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs - replaced!

“Pentagon sources are telling NBC’s Jim Miklaszewski that Defense Secretary Gates has replaced Gen. Peter Pace as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with Adm. Mike Mullen. He is currently the Navy’s chief naval officer.”

Does anyone think this is just the Pentagon playing musical jobs?

Posted: Fri - June 8, 2007 at 11:15 AM