Think we’re leaving Iraq soon? US building zones for a generation of Iraqi servants

After years using outside contractors to tend to the needs of its Iraq bases, the US military is now building zones outside its army posts so Iraqi businesses can actually benefit from their presence.

The British model

After years using outside contractors to tend to the needs of its Iraq bases, the US military is now building zones outside its army posts so Iraqi businesses can actually benefit from their presence.

“Let’s get American and third country contractors out of that business and let’s get Iraqis into that business,” Brigadier Steven Anderson, a driving force behind the programme, told AFP.

“Let’s get Iraqis employed and get them out of the bomb-making business and into the support-providing business,” added the deputy chief of staff for resources and sustainment.

Unlike citizens from other countries hosting US bases, Iraqis have seen few financial benefits from having more than 140,000 US troops in their country.

Has there has ever been a colonial people that felt they were “hosting” the troops of an invading nation?

The model is a series of Iraqi industries clustered around the Polish-run Camp Echo base near Diwaniyah where carpenters, mechanics, and welders serve the base.

The German model

And the model has a well-documented history. It worked well for the Nazis. At least among the Germans fed this crap back home.

Posted: Mon - June 4, 2007 at 06:31 AM