May was the bloodiest month for American GI’s since 2004

The US military on Thursday announced the deaths of six more US soldiers taking the toll to 122 for the month.

The US military on Thursday announced the deaths of six more US soldiers taking the toll to 122 for the month.

May’s casualties coincide with a “surge” in US reinforcements, which is due to peak next month. April and May together were the deadliest two months since the war began.

Lieutenant-General Raymond Odierno conceded that the Baghdad security crackdown has not yet made sufficient inroads.

He said: “We’ve made small progress here. We have not made the progress that I think is necessary yet, but I hope over the summer that we will continue to make progress.

“There are some positive signs. Civilian deaths are down in Baghdad. Sectarian deaths are down” -

- and American deaths are up.

Posted: Fri - June 1, 2007 at 06:00 AM