Organ Donor Contest reaches new low in Reality TV

A Dutch reality television show in which a terminally ill woman is to select one of three contestants to receive her kidneys when she dies is to air this week.

This helps you to understand why I say, “I’m embarrassed to admit I’m from Earth”. Any self-respecting alien species really would think twice about visiting us - if they check out our TV shows, beforehand.

A Dutch reality television show in which a terminally ill woman is to select one of three contestants to receive her kidneys when she dies is to air this week despite criticism that it pushes the boundaries of the format too far.

In the show, due to be broadcast on Friday, a woman identified only as Lisa, 37, will select a recipient based on their history, profile and conversations with their families and friends. Throughout the 80-minute show, viewers will be invited to send Lisa text messages to advise her.

Another show to come under the spotlight is Spuiten en Slikken (Shooting and Swallowing) in which the presenters experiment with drugs and a range of sexual exploits.

Patty’s Fort celebrated colonic irrigation, with the scatological remains shown in full on screen.

I wonder when these will show up on Fox TV.

Posted: Tue - May 29, 2007 at 07:45 AM