The War on Terror is “a bumper sticker, not a plan”

“The war on terror is a slogan designed only for politics, not a strategy to make America safe. It’s a bumper sticker, not a plan.”

So says, John Edwards.

In an address to the Council on Foreign Relations, Edwards urged the U.S. Congress to use its funding power to force an immediate pullout of up to 50,000 U.S. combat troops from Iraq, then a full withdrawal within a year.

The war on terror is a slogan designed only for politics, not a strategy to make America safe. It’s a bumper sticker, not a plan,” Edwards said. “It has damaged our alliances and weakened our standing in the world.”

In an interview with CNN, Edwards said President George W. Bush and his administration were responsible for Osama bin Laden still being at large.

“The reason there are terrorists actively engaged in what’s happening in Iraq right now is because of the mess George Bush and his administration have created there,” he added.

The Council on Foreign Relations has invited all the presidential candidates to speak. Edwards was the first in the series.

Posted: Thu - May 24, 2007 at 06:39 AM