After review, 226 young prisoners are up for release

A special review of Texas Youth Commission inmates has resulted in the planned release of 226 youths whose sentences were determined to have been improperly extended.

14-yr-old got up to 7 years for pushing a hall monitor

A special review of Texas Youth Commission inmates has resulted in the planned release of 226 youths whose sentences were determined to have been improperly extended, the agency announced Friday.

“These are 226 kids who would have been sitting in TYC if this review had not been done,” spokesman Jim Hurley said.

TYC has been under intense scrutiny this year amid a scandal over staff sexual relations with inmates and violence in the system.

Among the complaints was that some youths were kept in the system for years beyond their minimum sentences for minor rules violations.

After review, more than one of every five inmates in the study was found to have had their sentences extended - for no good reason. Could it be that sexual abuse and racism - or complaints about abuse and racism - were the real reasons for keeping them in the slammer?

Nah! Not in a moral state like Texas.

Posted: Sun - May 20, 2007 at 09:11 AM