Burial alternative: freeze-dried!

Sweden is considering allowing freeze-drying as a new method to bury the dead instead of traditional burials and cremations.

Sweden is considering allowing freeze-drying as a new method to bury the dead instead of traditional burials and cremations.

The freeze-drying method offers an environmentally friendly burial transforming corpses into organic compost. Traditional burials and cremations hurt the environment by polluting air and water, as a corpse buried in a coffin will take many years to decompose completely.

Under the new method, the corpse is taken to a temperature of minus 196 degrees Celsius in a liquid nitrogen bath and the body is broken down into a rough powder through mechanical vibrations.

The remains are then dehydrated and cleared of any metal, reducing a body weighing 75 kilograms (165 pounds) in life to 25 kilograms (55 pounds) of pink-beige powder, plus the remains of the coffin.

Swedish biologist Susanne Wiigh and her company Promessa have specialised in the freeze-drying method, and the company has applied for patents in 35 countries. Promessa has promoted the idea of using the human remains, like compost, to feed plants and shrubs.

I think this is a terrific idea. I could provide instant nutrients for the Santa Fe River bosque.

Posted: Thu - May 17, 2007 at 12:57 PM