Irish teen wins abortion battle

An Irish teenager has won a High Court battle in Dublin to be allowed to visit Britain for an abortion.

“Miss M” - not “Miss D”

We visited this case a few days ago. Nice to see the Irish courts functioning a wee bit faster than our lot.

An Irish teenager has won a High Court battle in Dublin to be allowed to visit Britain for an abortion.

The 17-year old was told by doctors her four-month foetus would not live more than a few days beyond its birth.

She is in the care of the Irish Republic’s health service, which had issued an order stopping her from going to Britain.

Thousands of Irish women get around the ban by privately travelling to Britain, where abortion was legalised in 1967, to undergo terminations.

The High Court has now ruled there were no statutory or constitutional grounds for preventing the teenager, known only as Miss D in court, from travelling to Britain for the operation.

Pleasing to see a ruling come down on the side of this young lass.

Posted: Wed - May 9, 2007 at 02:07 PM