Gunmen murder police chief in southern Mexico

Gunmen killed a police chief in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas on Saturday.

These guys look like they’re in charge?

Gunmen killed a police chief in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas on Saturday, in the latest apparent sign that President Felipe Calderon’s campaign against drug gangs has failed to contain violence.

A group of men shot state police chief Manuel Cordova as he traveled in a truck in the city of Tapachula near the border with Guatemala, state authorities said.

Gangs, flush with cash from the drug trade, regularly outgun local police by using assault rifles and grenade launchers, and can often easily buy the cooperation of poorly paid cops.

Masked gunmen killed five soldiers in a shootout in the western state of Michoacan earlier in the week. Drug-related deaths in Mexico number more than 700 so far this year. Narcotics-related violence left 2,000 people dead in 2006.

This is the government that the White House thinks is cooperating in securing our borders. They can’t keep their own cops safe and alive. Someone should send Calderon a DVD of “The Untouchables”!

Posted: Sun - May 6, 2007 at 08:45 AM