Three don’t believe in evolution!

Three Republicans raised their hands to signify that they did not believe in evolution.

And now to the Republican debate on MSNBC - except, I just have to say, did you see that three Republicans raised their hands to signify that they did not believe in evolution?

From what I could see, it wasn’t Giuliani or McCain and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Romney at the other end. But three others Republican candidates did raise their hands. (They have been identified as Sen. Sam Brownback, Gov. Mike Huckabee, and Rep. Tom Tancredo.) The mind boggles - I thought for a second I was watching The Tudors, except then it would have been more entertaining…

I admit it. I didn’t watch either of the so-called debates. If there was any promise of issues considered beyond sound bites - or political conviction overruling speech writers - I might have given it a try.

As I’ve linked above, there can be the rare surprising moment of clarity - scarey though it may be in illustrating just how backwards these demagogues have become. Of course, even scarier is the number of Americans equally out of touch with science and reality.

Posted: Fri - May 4, 2007 at 11:22 AM