Have any cockroaches for sale?

A Houston museum is offering 25 cents per cockroach.

A Houston museum is offering 25 cents per cockroach to fill an exhibit about the wonders of insects that eat decomposing things.

The Houston Museum of Natural Science wants 1,000 American cockroaches, which grow to 2 inches long, can fly and thrive in the city’s sub-tropical climate, said museum entomologist Laurie Pierrel on Wednesday.

They will be part of an exhibit polishing the image of bugs that feed off decaying organic matter and in so doing add to the general cleanliness.

Pierrel said she will be outside the museum the next three Saturdays with a bucket for the bugs and money for the sellers.

How big will the bucket be? I can think of a few really big cockroaches we’d all love to be rid of.

Posted: Thu - May 3, 2007 at 09:54 AM