Abortion plea in Irish court

A 17-year-old pregnant Irish girl is going to the High Court in Dublin to press for the right to travel to Britain for an abortion.

Law defined by people who believe in virgin birth

A 17-year-old pregnant Irish girl is going to the High Court in Dublin to press for the right to travel to Britain for an abortion. Doctors have told the girl that her four-month foetus will not live more than a few days beyond birth.

She is in the care of Ireland’s health service which has issued an order stopping her from going to Britain.

Miss D was informed last month that her foetus has anencephaly, a condition which means that a large part of the brain and skull is missing.

Babies with anencephaly live a maximum of just three days after birth.

A psychiatrist appointed by the HSE said that the teenager was distraught at the diagnosis, but not suicidal, and therefore did not meet the criteria for being allowed a termination.

Civil law pandering to religious dogma.

Posted: Thu - May 3, 2007 at 07:17 AM