Illegal Immigrant “Movement” has turned the corner - to failure!

Tens of thousands of people pressing for immigrants’ rights demonstrated on Tuesday in dozens of cities. The crowds paled in comparison with the turnout last year.

Tens of thousands of people pressing for immigrants’ rights demonstrated on Tuesday in dozens of cities. But with advocates splintered over tactics, the crowds paled in comparison with the turnout last year.

The demonstrations seemed to underscore how much the protest movement has struggled in the last year. More than 500,000 people turned out in Los Angeles last year. This year, the police estimated that 25,000 attended the largest of three rallies.

In Denver, where 75,000 people participated last year, an estimated 10,000 demonstrated, organizers said. The police put the number at no more than 2,000.

Unlike the protest last year, nobody called for a “day without an immigrant.” No widespread business boycotts materialized. For the most part, students did not pour out of schools.

Americans are tired of the phony rhetoric of politicians trying to profit from illegal immigrants. Republicans and their corporate string-pullers want cheap labor. Democrats and their ward-heelers want cheap and grateful voters. Both parties suck!

The “movement” of illegals was doomed to failure from the beginning. Essentially, it only has Mexican nationalism providing core support. The good will and natural sympathy of Americans for the poor and unfortunate provided some political support. None of this can overcome the ennui of a nation tired of hypocrites justifying scab labor and the absurdity of yet another amnesty for law-breakers.

Posted: Wed - May 2, 2007 at 05:12 AM