Half of drugs haul “disappeared”

The authorities in Colombia have revised the total of drugs seized in a haul on Monday from around 25 tonnes of cocaine to just over 13 tonnes.

The authorities in Colombia have revised the total of drugs seized in a haul on Monday from around 25 tonnes of cocaine to just over 13 tonnes.

Defence Minister Juan Manuel Santos had said on Monday the haul was the “biggest in the history of Colombia”. The confusion was blamed on errors made in the initial sight count of the drug.

A navy statement said that traffickers usually carry the drugs in packages weighing 20kg-25kg. However, when weighed, the packages in Monday’s haul were found to be considerably lighter. The final total was 13.2 tonnes.

Colombia is the world’s largest producer of cocaine, supplying 90% of the drug consumed in the US alone.

Of course, the haul was “lighter” by the time it reached the evidence lockup. It probably was “lightened” several times along the way.

Posted: Wed - May 2, 2007 at 05:03 AM