Congress votes to subpoena Rice

Democrats in the US congress have approved a subpoena for Condoleezza Rice.

Democrats in the US congress have approved a subpoena for Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, to testify on the current administration’s pre-war claims that Saddam Hussein, then president of Iraq, was seeking weapons of mass destruction.

The House oversight and government reform committee voted 21-10 on Wednesday that she should testify.

I’ll bet there are more than 10 Republicans on that there committee.

Sean McCormack, state department spokesman, said department officials would try to answer the committee, but indicated Rice may not comply with the subpoena due to executive privilege.

That position gives “us no choice but to proceed with a subpoena,” said Henry Waxman, the House oversight committee’s democratic chairman.

There hasn’t been anything resembling Congressional oversight for six years. We’ve had a Congress self-chartered as a vendor of rubber stamps.

True - they’ve been well rewarded for their non-diligence. But, it’s about time we had a few politicians deciding how to get up on their hind legs instead of with whom to share their golf card.

Posted: Fri - April 27, 2007 at 06:29 AM