Contaminated pet food fed to hogs which will be fed to…uh!

Salvaged pet food contaminated with an industrial chemical was sent to hog farms in as many as six states.

Salvaged pet food contaminated with an industrial chemical was sent to hog farms in as many as six states, federal health officials said Tuesday. It was not immediately clear if any hogs that ate the tainted feed then entered the food supply for humans.

However, the Food and Drug Administration said the urine of some hogs tested positive for the chemical, melamine, in North Carolina and South Carolina as well as California.

“At this point, I don’t have a definitive answer other than to say that the issue is being addressed,” Stephen Sundlof, the FDA’s chief veterinarian, told reporters when asked if any of the hogs had entered the human food supply. A poultry farm also may be involved, he added.

Ain’t “salvaged” an interesting word. Another example of American so-called journalists willing to collaborate with hustling the body politic.

Posted: Wed - April 25, 2007 at 12:19 PM