Obesity crisis in Britain follows all the way to death

Crematoriums are struggling to deal with spiralling numbers of stouter clients as the UK’s obesity crisis grows.

The ELIMINATOR - big enough for a bull!

Crematoriums are struggling to deal with spiralling numbers of stouter clients as the UK’s obesity crisis grows, local government leaders are warning.

The Local Government Association, which represents over 400 councils in England & Wales, is warning that local authorities are finding that many of their crematoria furnaces are too narrow to deal with increasing numbers of over-sized coffins.

Lewisham Council has ordered a special cremator from America, measuring 44ins in width.

Of course.

Tim Morris, Chief Executive of the Institute of Cemetery & Crematorium Management said: “The Institute has received calls from funeral directors from all parts of the country whose local crematorium is unable to cremate large coffins. The likelihood is that a large number of facilities will be upgraded to meet these requirements with some taking this opportunity to install a larger cremator at this time.

If they listened to me, all they’d need would be larger cardboard boxes .

Posted: Sun - April 22, 2007 at 04:07 PM