What’s with crappers in Japan?

Japan’s second-biggest toilet maker INAX Corp. has joined porcelain powerhouse Toto with tales of smoking toilets and burning bidets.

We just covered this story, yesterday. Now, another Japanese toilet manufacturer is in trouble with crapper combustion.

Japan’s second-biggest toilet maker INAX Corp. has joined porcelain powerhouse Toto with tales of smoking toilets and burning bidets. INAX said it had not made public seven cases of malfunctioning “washlets” — a combination toilet and bidet common in Japanese homes — that smoked or caught fire from 1991 to 2005.

The company said it had reported the incidents to the appropriate government ministry and no one was injured.

INAX’s announcement followed an apology Monday from Toto Ltd., which revealed that 26 malfunctioning washlets had emitted smoke and another three had caught fire.

Posted: Wed - April 18, 2007 at 10:38 AM