Abstinence report forced to go public. Why was it hidden?

Abstinence-only education programs meant to teach children to avoid sex until marriage failed to control their sexual behavior.

Abstinence-only education programs meant to teach children to avoid sex until marriage failed to control their sexual behavior, according to a U.S. government report.

Teenagers who took part in the programs as elementary and middle school students were just as likely to have sex as those who did not take part in them, the survey found.

The report, ordered by Congress, was not released by the Health and Human Services Department, but by activists and by California Democratic Rep. Henry Waxman’s office. An HHS spokeswoman did not answer a request for a comment.

Expect politicians embarrassed by the truth to volunteer that truth?

For both the program and control group youth, the reported mean age at first intercourse was identical, 14.9 years,” says the report.

After Waxman’s press conference, the report was “officially” released.

“American taxpayers appear to have paid over one billion federal dollars for programs that have no impact.”

Posted: Mon - April 16, 2007 at 05:58 AM