‘Let’s All Hate Toronto’

The dislike of Canada’s biggest city, Toronto, in the rest of the country runs so deep that a filmmaker has made a documentary about it.

The dislike of Canada’s biggest city, Toronto, in the rest of the country runs so deep that a filmmaker has made a documentary about it.

People in Toronto are soulless, one-eyed corporate zombies,” Joey Keithley, of the Vancouver punk band D.O.A., says in the film, “Let’s All Hate Toronto.”

The 73-minute film, which premieres at Toronto’s Hot Docs documentary festival next week, follows a character called Mister Toronto, who embarks on a cross-Canada trip brandishing a sign that reads “Toronto Appreciation Day” and steels himself for the onslaught.

Co-director Albert Nerenberg said in an interview, “People have a grudging respect for New York outside of the city, and have a grudging respect for London. But people outside of Toronto don’t have that for Toronto, they really don’t.”

Since my Canadian kin live far enough away from big cities that my visits have always been pastoral - I’ll withhold an opinion.

Posted: Fri - April 13, 2007 at 03:48 PM