Idaho “sport” shooters target National Guard tanks

For years, ATV-riding, gun-toting sport shooters have been taking pot shots at ground squirrels and other animals. Now, officials say, they’re also setting their sights on National Guard tanks that train in the area.

Notice each dipshit is shooting the next guy in the foot!

For years, ATV-riding, gun-toting sport shooters have flouted gun laws in part of Idaho’s high desert by taking pot shots at ground squirrels and other animals. Now, officials say, they’re also setting their sights on National Guard tanks that train in the area.

The federal Bureau of Land Management is considering expanding the gun-restricted area by 41,000 acres to try to limit shootings at Idaho Army National Guard troops who report slugs bouncing off their tanks on a regular basis.

Their dad

“There’s a segment of the shooting community that will shoot at anything that moves,’’ said John Sullivan, the area’s manager.

“It’s like World War III on the weekends,’’ he said.

Ah, the price of freedom.

Posted: Sat - April 7, 2007 at 06:44 AM