Japanese pron swap cracks Allied Homeland Security

Japanese naval officers who swapped pornography on their computers have triggered a scandal over a possible leak of sensitive data linked to Japan’s missile defense system.

Three Japanese naval officers who swapped pornography on their computers have triggered a scandal over a possible leak of sensitive data linked to Japan’s missile defense system.

Police launched a probe last week after a navy officer married to a Chinese woman was found to have taken home a computer disk containing information about the high-tech Aegis radar system, domestic media said.

A third officer was also found to have copied data on the Aegis system alongside pornographic images, the Yomiuri said.

Police suspect senior officers were also involved in the swap because none of the three were authorized to access the confidential information, the Yomiuri said.

Any defense leak could potentially affect Japan’s biggest ally, the United States, whose navy also uses the Aegis system.

It’s about time Japanese military forces measured up to U.S. standards.

Posted: Thu - April 5, 2007 at 04:13 PM