Malaysia ready to register bloggers - for Homeland Security.

Malaysia is reportedly considering moves to compel bloggers on locally-hosted websites to register with the authorities in an effort to control anonymous postings the government says could harm security.

Malaysia is reportedly considering moves to compel bloggers on locally-hosted websites to register with the authorities in an effort to control anonymous postings the government says could harm security.

A compulsory registration could curb the spread of negative or malicious content in cyberspace, the minister responsible for communications was quoted as saying by The Star newspaper.

Shaziman Abu Mansor said the government welcomed blogging but not negative postings by anonymous bloggers.

What is malicious and negative content was not specified in the newspaper report, but such terms are generally used in topics considered as sensitive including criticism of the government, and discussions on race and religion.

Please, please, don’t anyone include this article in the daily news briefing for Whatisname!

Posted: Thu - April 5, 2007 at 09:08 AM