Get in line! No jostling, please.

Durex has launched its first UK recruitment drive for thousands of condom testers.

Durex has launched its first UK recruitment drive for thousands of condom testers.

The condom maker wants a panel of 5,000 people who are single, married, or in couples to report their experiences of using its condoms and lubricants.

Men and women of all ages, ethnic groups or sexual orientation have been asked to apply on its website.

“The idea is to create a massive panel of testers who can try Durex condoms, have sex and then give us feedback about their experiences - in strictest confidence, of course,” a Durex spokeswoman said.

I wonder how they determine who is qualified? Oh, check out their screensavers.

Thanks, Joshua

Posted: Fri - March 30, 2007 at 08:51 AM