Catholic school says: “Have a MySpace page? You’re expelled!”

Students at a suburban Catholic school are being ordered to take down their photos, snappy comments, or anything else they may have posted on

Friday is the deadline for students at St. Hugo of the Hills Catholic School to follow orders or risk suspension. School Principal Sister Margaret Van Velzen sent letters home to parents this week saying, in part, that if families allow children to continue their sites, they will not be allowed to return to school. The school plans to use its computer-savvy staff members to monitor the site for student activity.The principal declined comment, but St. Hugo office manager Judy Martinek said the principal just wants to keep the students safe.

“We’ve stated our position and we hope all students are in the process of taking down their sites by tomorrow,” said Martinek.

Jerry Herron, Wayne State University professor of American Studies, thinks keeping kids off the site may just offer a false sense of security.

“They may heave a sigh of relief and think maybe this problem will be solved, but a predator who wants to violate children will find a way, electronically or otherwise, sadly,” he said.

Of course, parents should establish access systems for their kids - and explain why to the kids. Turning the responsibility over to the thought police is a bit different.

Posted: Tue - March 27, 2007 at 06:41 AM