French cartoons editor acquitted

The editor of a satirical French magazine accused of insulting Muslims by reprinting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad has been acquitted.

The editor of a satirical French magazine accused of insulting Muslims by reprinting cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad has been acquitted.

A French court has ruled in favour of weekly Charlie Hebdo, rejecting accusations by Islamic groups who said it incited hatred against Muslims.

The cartoons were covered by freedom of expression laws and were not an attack on Islam, but fundamentalists, it said.

The Grand Mosque of Paris and a union of Islamic groups brought the case.

I suppose I could joke about “this can’t happen here” - but, of course, it can and does. Just because a society evolves to include freedom of speech as a basic right doesn’t mean that reactionary elements in the same society won’t stop trying to push folks back into the Dark Ages.

Posted: Thu - March 22, 2007 at 08:40 AM