Halliburton is leaving the building

Some Americans were startled to hear chief executive Dave Lesar’s announcement last week that he would lead the company from a new headquarters in Dubai, the glitzy Mideast financial capital.

The only flag Halliburton salutes

Some Americans were startled to hear chief executive Dave Lesar’s announcement last week that he would lead the company from a new headquarters in Dubai, the glitzy Mideast financial capital.

‘’There’s not much oil in Texas any more,'’ said Dalton Garis, an American energy economist at the Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi. ‘’Halliburton is in the oil and gas industry and guess what? Sixty percent of the world’s oil and gas is right here. If they didn’t move now, they’d have to do it later.'’

In addition, company officials said Halliburton, which has operated in Dubai for more than 40 years, will remain a U.S. corporation for tax purposes, incorporated in Delaware, and doesn’t expect to reap any tax benefits from the Dubai headquarters operation.

Anyone actually believe Halliburton will have the same staff and property in Texas — five or ten years from now?

Plus, if you’d like to reflect for a moment or two on small legalisms like accountability — consider the value of a Congressional subpoena sent to Dubai and asking Halliburton executives to answer for their corrupt acquisition of US taxpayer dollars in the Middle East. Think it’s worth the paper it’s printed on?

Posted: Tue - March 20, 2007 at 07:44 AM