GI ‘ordered to kill Iraq prisoners’

A US soldier has testified that his commander ordered him to kill three Iraqi detainees, then cut him with a knife to make it look as if there had been a struggle.

Always immune from prosecution

A US soldier has testified that his commander ordered him to kill three Iraqi detainees, then cut him with a knife to make it look as if there had been a struggle.

Specialist William Hunsaker told a court martial for Ray Girouard on Tuesday that the staff sergeant ordered him and another soldier to free the men, then shoot them as they ran.

Another soldier, Specialist Bradley Mason, testified that he heard Girouard order Clagett and Hunsaker to kill the detainees.

The soldiers had previously told investigators they were given rules of engagement by Colonel Michael Steele, the 3rd Brigade commander, to kill all military-age men.

Steele has denied this but invoked his right not to testify.

Do you expect anyone higher up than a grunt to be indicted or imprisoned over crimes like this?

Posted: Wed - March 14, 2007 at 10:08 AM